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Cold Steel Throwing Star Sure Strike Medium  
Cold Steel Throwing Star Sure Strike Medium Points: 1  
Cold Steel Throwing Star Sure Strike Medium. Everyone likes throwing knives! The simple sport of throwing a knife is fun. And no sound is more satisfying then a thrown knife as it "thunks" and sticks a wooden target. Whether you're skilled at knife throwing or are just starting out, you know there's also no fun in missing the target.

Cold Steel Tim Wells Slock Master .625 Blowgun- 5ft 2 pieces (B6255TW)  
Cold Steel Tim Wells Slock Master .625 Blowgun- 5ft 2 pieces (B6255TW) New items
This signature special edition Blowgun was built to Tim Wells exact specifications. It features a newly designed grip with integral mouthpiece and hand-guard for extra comfort both when shooting the Blowgun and using it as a hiking staff.
  77,00 EUR

Mouthpiece for Cold Steel .625 Blowgun (B625MP)  
Mouthpiece for Cold Steel .625 Blowgun (B625MP)
Mouthpiece for Cold Steel Big Bore blowgun. An additional mouthpiece is useful when you want to use blowgun with several people at a family or team-building event.
In stock 6,00 EUR

Mouthpiece for Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun (B625MPP)  
Mouthpiece for Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun (B625MPP) New items
Mouthpiece for Cold Steel blowgun Professional series. An additional mouthpiece is useful when you want to use blowgun with several people at a family or team-building event.
In stock 6,00 EUR

Quiver for .625 Blowgun (2 pack) (B625Q)  
Quiver for .625 Blowgun (2 pack) (B625Q) Points: 1  
2 quivers for the Cold Steel .625 Magnum Big Bore blowgun.
In stock 9,00 EUR

Quiver for Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun (2 pack) (B625PQ)  
Quiver for Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun (2 pack) (B625PQ) Points: 1  
2 quivers for the Cold Steel .625 Magnum Big Bore Profesional blowgun.
In stock 8,00 EUR

Cold Steel .625 Blowgun Broad Head Dart (50 pack) (B625B)  
Cold Steel .625 Blowgun Broad Head Dart (50 pack) (B625B) Points: 1  
50 pack of Broad Head Darts for the Cold Steel .625 Magnum Big Bore blowgun.
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Cold Steel .625 Blowgun Stun Dart (75 pack) (B625S)  
Cold Steel .625 Blowgun Stun Dart (75 pack) (B625S) Points: 1  
75 pack of Stun Darts for the Cold Steel .625 Magnum Big Bore blowgun.
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Cold Steel .625 Blowgun- 5ft (B6255)  
Cold Steel .625 Blowgun- 5ft (B6255) Points: 3  
.625 Big Bore Blowguns are capable of shooting darts 20% faster and three times heavier than other blowguns. Comes with mouthpiece, rubber ferrule, dart quiver and 36 darts(15 Bamboo, 15 Mini Broad Head and 6 Stun Darts).
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Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun- 5ft (B6255P)  
Cold Steel .625 Professional Blowgun- 5ft (B6255P) Points: 4  
While our standard .625 Magnum Blowguns are awesome, we decided to raise the bar even higher with our new Professional .625 models. Available in 4-foot and 5-foot lengths, they come with a target style mouthpiece and a 3mm thick barrel.
Yep! That makes them almost twice as thick, and 45% heavier than our standard model and clinches their title of heaviest, commercially made blowguns in the world.
Don't miss your chance to take advantage of the increase in accuracy offered by their great weight and rigidity. Don't miss out in the increased toughness they offer as an impact tool in a self-defense situation. Buy your Professional .625 Blowgun today!
Includes 36 Darts (15 Bamboo Darts, 15 Mini Broadhead Darts, 6 Stun Darts)
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Cold Steel Zytel Broad Head .625 Blowgun Darts (40 pack) (B625P)  
Cold Steel Zytel Broad Head .625 Blowgun Darts (40 pack) (B625P) Points: 1  
40 pack of Zytel Darts for the Cold Steel .625 Magnum Big Bore blowgun.
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Shuriken Cold Steel Sure Strike (80TS)  
Shuriken Cold Steel Sure Strike (80TS) Points: 2  
Everyone likes throwing knives! The simple sport of throwing a knife is fun. And no sound is more satisfying then a thrown knife as it “thunks” and sticks a wooden target. Whether you’re skilled at knife throwing or are just starting out, you know there’s also no fun in missing the target. One solution is the Shuriken or throwing star. Used for centuries in China and Japan, it consists of no more than a flat piece of steel with 3 or more points. If you throw it overhand like a baseball, side arm, underarm or back hand like a flying saucer, it hits on at least one point every time. Our Sure Strike star is unlike the cheap, shoddy throwing stars you see at flea markets, guns shows, and in martial arts magazines. It’s made of extra thick, laser cut high carbon steel that’s been heat treated to a hard spring temper and is protected by a black, baked on, epoxy finish. It’s fully sharpened and will stick every time.
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